Our PhD School in PNS at glance:
a bird view of research activities of our PhD Students through some of their results.
Hybrid Devices for Quantum Technologies
From Phd Thesis of Claudio Bonizzoni
Band gap opening and dielectric response in double-side highly hydrogenated free-standing graphene
From Phd Thesis of Miki Bonacci
Hybrid Devices for Quantum Technologies
From Phd Thesis of Samuele Cornia
Nanofabbrication, testing and transmission electron microscopy implementation of electro-optical SORTER prototypes
From Phd Thesis of Paolo Rosi
Red-ox processes in cerium-oxide based nanostructures
From Phd Thesis of Jacopo Stefano Pelli Cresi
Investigating the behavior of β2-m wild type and its amyloidogenical variants with Molecular Dynamics simulations
From Phd Thesis of Maria Celeste Maschio
Free electrons with huge Orbital Angular Momentum
From Phd Thesis of Erfan Mafakheribashmagh
Metal/Oxide Nanoparticles: from assembly and fine structural analysis to magnetic, catalytic and plasmonic properties
From PhD Thesis of M.C. Spadaro
Load-induced confinement activates diamond lubrication by water
From PhD thesis of Giovanna Zilibotti XXIV Cicle
Onset of frictional slip by domain nucleation in adsorbed monolayers
From PhD Thesis of Marco Reguzzoni XXV Cicle
Observation and spectroscopy of a two-electron Wigner molecule in an ultraclean carbon nanotube
From PhD Thesis of Andrea Secchi XXV Cicle
Direct single-molecule observation of calcium-dependent misfolding in human neuronal calcium sensor
From PhD Thesis of Mohsin M. Naqvi XXVII Cicle
The complex folding behavior of HIV-1-protease monomer revealed by optical-tweezer single-molecule experiments and molecular-dynamics simulations
From PhD Thesis of Sonar Punam Suresh XXVII Cicle
Linking molecular rings for spin entanglement
From PhD Thesis of Giulia Lorusso XXIII Cicle
Imaging magnetic surface
From PhD Thesis of Alberto Ghirri XX Cicle
Giant Magnetocaloric effect found in molecular nanomagnets
From PhD Thesis of Andrea Candini XIX Cicle
Magneto-transport in graphene
From PhD Thesis of Christian Alvino XXV Cicle